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Due to fluctuating temperatures, condensation can form in enclosures. This can lead to serious malfunctions or, worst case, to component failure. Convection heaters protect against low temperatures, thus preventing the formation of condensation. Furthermore, fan heaters provide air circulation and ensure constant temperatures in enclosures. /Asset/CP-061.JPG

High component densities in enclosures generate increased temperatures which can cause component failure. Filter fans protect against overheating in the enclosure, preventing malfunctions of electrical and electronic components by diverting the warm air away from heat sensitive components. /Asset/2015_10_FPI_FPO_92x92_Photo.jpg

Besides properly sized heating or cooling devices in an enclosure, the appropriate temperature and humidity controls are necessary to guarantee the climatic conditions needed for trouble-free operation of electronic and electrical components. STEGO temperature and humidity controls can help achieve the ideal operating conditions even in the harshest environments. The newest addition to our product line is an airflow monitor, which functions as a pilot contact to automatically alert operators of a stalled fan or when the airflow of a connected fan falls below a certain minimum. /Asset/Comp_thomasnet_170213--2-.jpg

Our range of enclosure lights offers a number of options for the lighting of your enclosure, including motion sensor activation. The lamps can be positioned in a variety of places and mounted with little effort. /Asset/LED025_series.jpg