HG 140 - PTC Heater
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/Asset/PTC_Heater_HG140.JPGCS 060 - PTC Heater
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/Asset/PTC_Heater_CS060.JPGCP 061 - Flat Heater
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/Asset/CP-061.JPGRCE 016 - Small PTC Heater
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/Asset/PTC_Small_Heater_RCE016.JPGCSF 060 - PTC Heater with Thermostat
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/Asset/PTC_Heater_CSF060.JPGRC 016 - Small PTC Heater
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NOTE: Heaters with thermostats listed below can only be ordered in quantities of 100+
/Asset/PTC_Small_Heater.JPGHGK 047 - Small PTC Heater
(6) The HGK 047 heaters are used in enclosures to maintain minimum operating temperatures and to help prevent failure of electronic components caused by condensation and corrosion.
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/Asset/Small_PTC_Heater_HGK047.JPGCSK 060 - Small PTC Heater
To view and/or download CAD drawings or technical data sheets, please select the desired part number below.